Passionate about Bowen and Emmett Techniques

Member of the BTPA (Bowen Therapist's Professional Association)
Member of CNHC (Complimentary National Health Care Council)




Bowen and Emmett Technique massage photo Fife

Treatments tailored specifically for you

Symptoms reported to respond to Bowen and Emmett


Back pain




Sports injuries



Emotional problems



Sinus congestion



Frozen shoulder


Muscular problems

Joint problems

Bowen Technique

The Bowen Technique practitioner uses fingers and thumbs to make precise movements over muscles and soft tissue, allowing breaks for the body to respond, re-balance, relieve tension and reduce pain by releasing stress at a very deep level.

More about the Bowen Technique

Emmett Technique

The Emmett Technique involves the application of light finger pressure at specific points on the body. It is a safe muscle release remedial therapy which addresses pain, discomfort, improves movement restrictions, and helps with balance and stability

More about the Emmett Technique




per session



per session



to CHAS (Childrens Hospice)

Some reviews from happy clients

Get in touch, or find my practice

Heather Brown
Bowen and Emmett Practitioner

Clinic at Devonside Health and Beauty
Dunnikier Road, Kirkcaldy, Fife

Thursday and Fridays
Call Devonside to make an appointment

01592 205829

If appointment times do not suit, evenings and alternative appointments can be made available by calling the number below

07510 542549

More about me

How I got started

After years of chronic back pain, sciatica and having tried many different therapies with no lasting effects, I ended up having two back operations. About six weeks after the second operation (still unable to stand up straight), I met Robert Ross, a Bowen Practitioner who persuaded me to try Bowen.

After experiencing how effective this non-invasive, relaxing, gentle, hands-on remedial therapy was in relieving pain and improving my function and restoring my mobility (two treatments and I was standing tall) I said "I want to learn this one day".

I've now attended many different courses on both the Emmett Technique and Bowen Therapy, and I'm a member of the BTPA (Bowen Therapist's Professional Association) and the CNHC (Complimentary National Health Care Council).

My training and qualifications

In 2011, after studying with the ECBS (European College of Bowen Studies), I became a qualified Bowen Technique Practitioner and in 2014, I also qualified as an Emmet Practitioner. This technique works really well combined with the Bowen Technique.

Click on the button below for a more detailed list of the courses I've completed since 2011.